
Here, we will help you understand how Hashguard work !

In our team, we are looking for some data storage solution that change the way we think of our data. We want you to understand how we can make your data privacy proof and so simple to access, and that's exactly what's this folder for. At the end of this, you will have the perfect understanding of our solution, and you will have all the keys in your hand to knowingly choose the solution you need and start storing.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Wallet creation

As we are using the blockchain to store the ownership of your data, we need to make you connect to our Dapp with a wallet. For that, we have two options:

  • You already have one: you can just connect it to our Dapp and start storing

  • You don't have one: no worries, we can create you a wallet on the fly, just with web2 credentials (email and password)

Step 2: File encryption

When you ask us to store a file/folder, we firstly have to encrypt the file. We don't want your content to be read by everyone ! We are using AES type's encryption, and the most complex version: AES256 (advanced encryption system, and the number is the lenght of the key encrypting your data). We also are searching for new inventives solution that could encrypt your data withtout the fear of quantum computing.

Step 3: File storage

After encrypting, we are on our way to store your data in a new place: decentralized storage. This is what enable us to offer you data storage for a long time, on a public space. Don't worry about the name "public", do you remember that we encrypted your file before that ? It's enough to cover others of reading your data, but can easily be shared with your consent. We aim to be a multi-storage solution, offering bunch of different infrastructures to store with, enabling you to choose the one you want or to use backup's storage. We are currently using Filecoin.

Step 3: Ownership storage

This is were the magic happens ! We have currently one way to store your data:

📂Storage by Smart contract

Easy access for everyone

I think you all want to know how we can make you use the web3 without noticing, this is our way:

🆔Account abstraction

Last updated